Friday 9 January 2009

You - Reality = ?

This is one of the most important questions you'll ever be asked.
(Yes, it sounds pompous; it sounds worse than pompous, if you ask me. Who cares? It's still true.)

Go outside - not mandatory, but helpful - and take a walk.
Or, if you are well aware of, and connected to, the You who does the gathering, processing, interpreting of reality data, just stay wherever you are right now.

What is important is that the surroundings you're seeing or feeling are intimately familiar to you.

Now, just for the sake of the argument, imagine that all you're seeing really is like a painted veil of sorts, a flimsy curtain concealing a mighty stage (you've seen The Discreet Charm Of The Bourgeoisie, right?); or an onion with many peels.

If that surface - what you're seeing around you, your Reality, all there is - were ripped apart, if it broke, if it melted away...


This is not a philosophical (i.e. general) question.
It is a question addressed specifically to you; and only you - the deep-seed You - can answer it.

Carry it around with you for as long as you want or need.

More on this some other time.


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