Monday 5 January 2009

Another reason for you to never ever leave your home again... Or live in it, for that matter

This just in:

"Doctors from MassGeneral Hospital for Children in Boston coined the term “third-hand smoke” to describe these chemicals in a new study that focused on the risks they pose to infants and children. The study was published in this month’s issue of the journal Pediatrics."

The New York Times, January 2, 2009

This obsession has finally collapsed into a state of insanity...
Hypocrisy is now officially a disease. (Probably caused by brain cell decay brought on by particles of fifth-foot smoke.)

Notice the key word: coined.
Because that's the point here. Anyone who knows anything at all about academic circles, especially about the medical profession, is aware of the "publish or perish" imperative and its consequences. (Or of its ultimate goal, for that matter. I'll let you guess what that is...)

But most people outside those circles know nothing of said imperative. (Heck, they probably even think pharmaceutical companies are looking after their - the people's - best interest!)

And so they do what the "surgeon general" (anyone met him yet?) says - or feel guilty if they don't.

They eventually end up submitting to guilt - and get sick.
Or they don't submit to guilt, but get sick anyway.
Or they submit to guilt and don't get sick.
Or they don't submit to guilt and don't get sick either.

And that's just it.
Sorry to burst your bubble - the
sterilised and homogenised bubble that the white-clad overgrown nannies are trying to build around us, for us to live in (not for long, I imagine, considering the effects of such a sanitised environment on the immune system) - but you, I, they and all those precious children are exposed to all kinds of assorted "particles", both flying and crawling, all the time.
And if you think they couldn't possibly be more dangerous than the bete noire of the moment - tobacco - think again.

Take mold, for example: I challenge you to find a single person who has not found themselves in the presence of moldy food at some point in their home or outside (and, BTW, yes: that includes the post-prandial platter of cheese that charming elderly gentleman with the YSL Rive Gauche perfumed bimbo,
three tables away from yours, was having during that fancy supper at La Tour d'Argent, all those years ago).
I have seen people simply cut the moldy parts, throw them away and proceed to eat it - or give it to their young ones.
And yet, mold has very dire adverse effects on the health; and it is almost indestructible. Those spores procreate like there's no tomorrow!

I am not saying that a room where there had been heavy smoking going on, is a particularly pleasant or salubrious place to be, and not just for children.

I just don't believe that the "particles" of sundry substances, from fuel exhausts (yes, including unleaded gasoline) to asbestos, to name just two, are so great either. And they are everywhere.

The fact is, very many substances around us, in general use, are proven beyond doubt to be lethal, even in apparently small amounts. Mold is just one.

Margarine is another one. A HUGE one.
(Dr. Andrew Weil once called it, with good reason, the single most damaging substance in general use - and that included smoking.)

And yet, you don't see anyone in the mainstream medical circles obsessing over them - certainly not like this.

Why is that?

“Your nose isn’t lying,” he (= Jonathan P. Winickoff - or should that be "Whiny Cough"...?) said. “The stuff is so toxic that your brain is telling you: ’Get away.’”

Yep, you got that right, my good doc: my thoughts, exactly! :)

Something stinks big time.

P.S. More on this some other time, so stay tuned! ;)


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