Sunday, 13 March 2011

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If you want - or, more likely, need - to see the devastation water can bring, visit the New York Times photo-report below.
And use the slider.


Anonymous said...

The Japanese have been unspeakably cruel to marine life for years and years. What they did to dolphins, whales and other living creatures was appalling. Now the sea has claimed back some of they had taken away.

Sorry, but that's how I feel. I wish them no ill, but they inflicted ALOT of suffering and had no qualms about it.

Myosotis said...

Thank you for stopping by.

I'll only say this: it is true what you say about their treatment of marine animals. It was - and IS - appalling. Nobody could, or should, deny it.

However, I do not believe this has anything whatsoever to do with it.

Nevertheless, perhaps catastrophes like this will make EVERYONE on this planet reconsider their attitude towards the Earth we live on.
That way, something extraordinarily good would come out of a disaster.

Do I think it'll happen?
Alas, I am not holding my breath.
But I can hope. ;)

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