Monday 31 December 2007

The Silent Light

Nothing really changes today;
nothing ends, nothing begins.
No more than every single day (and night), of course.

But many do feel this is somehow a "crucial" date. Those same people are very often the ones who procrastinate, wait, hesitate, dream - dream big, even - but never get around to really getting what they really want.

Do you know what you really want?
I don't.
Well... I do, it's just that it cannot be expressed by words. Certainly not ordinary words.

But words - ordinary words, used in an ordinary fashion, forever misunderstood - are overrated anyway.

Besides, I know what you want, even if you don't.

I know that because you are a human - as am I.
And you are, conservatively speaking, half-divine - as am I.

Here is what you really want:


Are you ready to let go of all the familiar systems of thought, to let go of your seeming freedom - and take on a YOKE?
inexorable, 24/7, perennial, liberating yoke?
Are you ready to assume full responsibility for your own life path?

I bet you're hearing the ca-CHEEEENG! of the $$$ machine... ;)

I can't say I blame you: it is usually at this point that the clincher - BUY this and live happily ever after! (But wait! There's more!!!) - comes.

But you couldn't be more wrong.
What I am giving you has been generously offered by others, which is why I can offer it to you, free of charge.

It is a very simple, unwrapped gift: an URL, leading to a book (free of charge).

How many times have you heard about "books that can change your life?"
(And that's not counting Oprah's Book Club.)

I know I am a cynic about that. The fact is that any book can change your life - if you are ready. Even books that are totally trivial can accomplish that. Because it's all about the right word falling in the right place at the right time.

The thing is... most words, especially book-words, do not fall in the right place at the right time because the "place" and the "time" - meaning YOU - simply aren't ready.

But if you are serious about taking control of your own Being, this book takes your wish seriously. VERY seriously. So seriously, in fact, that you'll be compelled to think - and rethink - your own seriousness, your wishes for your life.

If you are a "New Year resolutions" person, you may want to skip it altogether.

But if you are ready to go, it will show you exactly where to go and how to walk.
In that sense this book absolutely does have the power to change your life: as radically as you ever thought possible - probably even more so.

There are no shortcuts. If you jump lessons, it simply won't work. It's as simple as that.

But if you take your own wish to "change" seriously, and proceed as it tells you to,
your life will start changing - for good - the moment you take the path.

In fact, if you are serious, you will probably have to postpone the reading and practice of this book, and get another one first. The other one is also free of charge - but you'll have to find it yourself. Just to prove to YOURSELF that you are at least moderately interested. (And if you are, finding it will be a piece of cake.)

Also, the book contains certain errors - and, regardless of what you may hear, they were probably introduced on purpose. Those who are serious, will take time to correct them for themselves.

Last but not least: you absolutely do NOT have to abandon your religion (assuming that it's a religion based on the simple precept "do unto others what you would want done to yourself"). In fact, it may well enhance your practice of your religion.

However, it is NOT suitable for dogmatic minds.
(There's nothing inherently wrong with being a dogmatic mind - except that you limit the access of the Light, of the Spirit, of God... whatever you call it, to you.)

You will see what I mean when the book is through with you.

So... Godspeed!
And don't forget to dream BIG.
No, that's not big enough - I meant BIG.


Beyond anything you thou
ght possible.


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