Monday 31 December 2007

The Consciousness Button

Sounds like an exciting, very "quantum" new gadget, eh...? ;)

But I am simply referring to the button on your right side: the one that supposedly registers the current "state of consciousness" of the world.

I just noticed, a few minutes ago, that it changed colour rather suddenly: it went from dark orange/red to light orange/yellow. In other words, the "cohesion" of the world consciousness, as measured by the website, just dropped considerably.

Assuming the measurements are at least coherent, I can see only one major reason for such a drop: a huge portion of the territories within the ex-Soviet Union, notably Russia (or at least a part of it) just entered the new year.
In other words, a huge chunk of the world population just said: "Midnight is over, 2007 is done with - can we go to bed now?" (Even if they don't go to bed, the "expectation" is over.)

I think it's a likely scenario.
What do you think?

Anyway, I know I won't be celebrating.
And I am not expecting anything.
I never do; but this year even less so.

The year 2007 is - or has been - beyond words.
My life disappeared: brutally, suddenly (only not really) - it all went poof.

Beyond words.

It's a year that never should have been.
(I know many of you feel the same way.)

And yet I cannot celebrate its passing.
I cannot celebrate another separation, as artificial and trivial as it may seem.
I cannot - do not want to - walk into a future, when my future is behind me.

Unless I rewrite it.

I rewrite it.


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