Hello, dear you,
I am thinking of you tonight, this New Year's Eve, with fireworks lighting the dark December skies before fading into silently falling cinders, among the distant sounds of merry people from afar.
Many people are faking joy tonight.
There's no harm in that.
Faking joy is still better than faking a sadness deeper than it is, or displaying despair, or affecting boredom, which is a crime.
Faking joy is a way - a timid way - of expressing hope.
And that is all we need, all of us. Hope. And faith.
That is all the love - all the caritas- we really need, because it is that secret sense of being loved, after all, that fuels hope and feeds faith in the first place.
You are loved.
That's all I wanted to tell you tonight.
Your personal loneliness is felt by many out there that you've never met in person.
Your true talents, sadly wasted, a source of burning regrets, are still there, and they are acknowledged, even if you never have the opportunity to display them publicly.
Your bittersweet memories, seemingly so humble in their seeming smallness, less than a whisper in in this loud world, the memory of your sorrows, your joys, your hopes - even those that were dashed - live on in me, and in many others, even though we may never learn the name given to you by others, or see your face.
The eye of God sees all your worth, undiscovered by others.
And that worth, you very Self, will live forever and ever - because it has existed since the beginning of time.
I don't know your name, and I don't know your address, that's why I am posting this here.
I know that you may not read English; or read at all.
I know you possibly, quite probably, do not have internet access.
In fact, you may not even be a human.
But you are life, irreplaceable in your seeming smallness.
And thought can span nameless deserts, penetrate the darkest forests of the unknown, and reach you.
Just keep your eyes and your ears - and your heart - alert.
We are here.
You may feel you're forgotten and forsaken, but you are not.
I am thinking of you, with all the warmth and respect - and hope - that my heart, this little chip off God's heart, is capable of.
Fare well, dear you unknown.
The road is endless.
And there is nothing to be afraid of. Ever.

The Little Green Stick