Tuesday 4 May 2010

Underrated websites, I

Have you ever felt the need to send a beautiful photo or picture in the guise of a custom-made ecard?

If so, you probably found, sooner or later, that there are very few sites that offer a simple customisation procedure and non-cheesy editing - AND actually deliver (pun intended)?

We discovered this site a few months ago - and we thought (still do) that it's absolutely superb.

The editing is extremely simple, it offers a good selection of styles, the end result looks quite elegant and striking, not cheesy at all (although that would depend on the picture, I imagine) - and the notification is delivered immediately.
(When I say "immediately", I mean quicker than it takes one to close the browser tab and return to the inbox.)

Also, we haven't noticed any spyware or malware or any problems after visiting it, both as senders and as recipients.

Furthermore, you can add your images to the (so far rather modest) gallery if you wish.
(To do so, tick the appropriate box. And by the way, do NOT tick it if the image you're using isn't yours to give!)

Needless to say, the use of the website is absolutely free of charge.
Also, you don't need tor register to use it.

And yet, apparently, only about 11 ecards a day are sent from this site (as per their stats).
Who knows.
Perhaps the marketing is faulty.

But as long as it stays as it is, we will be glad to use it.

N.B. None of the team members of this blog, or any of its associate blogs, is in any way associated with either the website or its owners. We simply like it and think other people should know about it.

A sample ecard from Ecardster

P.S. The "I" in the title doesn't refer to yours truly (even in a modestly phrased plural) but rather to the fact that collectively we have encountered quite a few websites that should be more visited than they are, so wel'll probably be adding to this category.


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