Actually, it's "versus" (not really, since it seems to be a unilateral battle) Judy Murray, the mother of Andy Murray (the tennis player).
Apparently, Ms. Murray is waging an unprovoked Twit(ter) war against the woman who is still considered by some (or many) to be responsible for the break-up of The Beatles. (Which was in 1971. Forty-three years ago.)
Here is a funny piece on it:
Today in Twitter Beefs...
I've never been fan of Yoko Ono; I don't know why, but I find her irritating.
I've never been a fan of Mr. Ono, the late John Lennon, either.
(I especially hate his celebrated song Imagine, which is - ideologically, not musically - probably the most overrated piece of sh** EVER.)
I am a fan of The Beatles, though. Admittedly I was too preoccupied with little-girly stuff at the time of their break-up to even notice it (or them, for that matter), but I am sure their blazing meteoric career had ran its course. If it hadn't, they wouldn't have broken up - Yoko Ono notwithstanding.
None of which really matters, becaus the only thing I wanted to say was: Ono's tweets are, for the most part, surprisingly good ("surprisingly" to me, because I don't like her).
Murray's replies to her tweets, on the other hand, are appallingly unfunny. Nay - more than "apallingly": they are painfully, embarrassingly unfunny, in the most stupid sort of way.
I don't even know her (well, I do now), yet she managed to make me dislike her even more than I disliked Yoko Ono.
Yoko Ono 5 : Judy Murray 0.
(And that's without Ono even replying to Murray!)
Grow some self-awareness, woman.
Just because you're on Twitter it doesn't mean you HAVE to behave like a twit.
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