Thursday 20 December 2012

Farewell, the End of Time

Finally: here it is, people.

I can't believe it, no more than you can believe it. 
After so many years of... not exactly waiting or even paying much attention to it, but wondering (in the sense of thinking full of wonder) about it... it is HERE.

I remember as if it were yesterday the day when i first heard about it; I think it must have been in the mid-1990s.
I remember how almost-proud I felt when I told people it would be a Friday or Sunday (the original date I heard was December 23rd), that fateful day when everything that ever was would change. 
I felt almost-proud of the fact that I had checked my PC calendar so far ahead in time.

Friday, December 21, 2012.
Sunday, December 23, 2012.

said the calendar.

How could such a distant, abstract date even be a day of the week:
a Friday, a Sunday?

How far, far away it seemed! 
It seemed far to the point of being abstract. Not a real-real date. Not a date that we would actually get to live through. Certainly not the "we" that we were then. (You know what I mean.) 

And now, it is here.
It is happening TOMORROW - just a few hours from now.
And I know that in less than an hour's time, in just a few minutes, I will be sitting here, watching, awe-struck and in disbelief, as the clock turns to December 21, 2012, the mythical date of all dates.
And I still won't believe it.

I am only fearing the anticlimax of it, and I am mourning in advance the end of so many hopes and dreams. Not mine - I never paid serious attention to it - but of many other people, whose world is my world. 
Your world is my world, and I want it to be a beautiful, healthy and happy world. I want your wildest dreams to come true, because they are my dreams too.

But, just in case, I'll take heed of Spurinna's mythical reply to Julius Caesar's equally mythical: "Well, here we are, Spurinna: the Ides of March have come."

"Aye, they have come - but they have not yet gone."

And that's why I am writing this now. ;)

Finally, I'll borrow a part of the latest message on our sister blog, which has all to do with Time:

Keep your heart upright and light, like a plant reaching for the Sun. 
See you on the other side of Time.

Don't be too surprised if it looks remarkably similar to this side. ;)


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