Tuesday 7 June 2011

She STOLE my labia!

This article by dr. Lissa Rankin is bound to become an instant bestseller, that much is sure.
I'll borrow one - possibly the tamest one - of the true horror stories from her gyn-ob practice.

You Stole My Labia
One of my patients sued me for stealing her labia. Swear to God. I performed a standard gynecologic procedure, and I swear I didn’t steal any body parts, but a few days after I met her, another doctor called my office and said, “I’ve got this woman here, Mabel Nile. She says you removed her uterus and her bladder and cut off her labia and licked her clitoris, with no anesthesia, right there in your office. But I took a look at her, and all her parts appear to be where they’re supposed to be. What did you do to her, anyway?”

A few days later, I got a letter from Mabel, addressed to “Dr. Rankinstein.” On the outside of the envelope was a child-like drawing of a spiky instrument next to two little rectangular boxes. Written on the envelope in red pen was, “You have something of mine, and I want it back.” Inside, I found a note, handwritten on lined notebook paper with scratchy, halting letters. “You stole my labia. Where did you put them? In the lab?”

A few weeks later, I received a notice that Mabel was suing me for stealing her labia. When I showed up in court, Mabel was already sitting on the other side at the plaintiff’s table. The judge said, “Ms. Nile. Please state your case.”
“That doctor…” She turned and pointed a sausage finger at me. “SHE STOLE MY LABIA!” she yelled, slamming her fists on the podium. “She’s got ‘em in a jar somewhere. In the lab. They’re gone. Wanna see?” She started to pull down her plaid pants. “SHE’S HOLDING THEM HOSTAGE!  I just want my labia! TELL HER TO GIVE ME BACK MY LABIA!” she bellowed. The bailiff stood up beside her, but the judge shook her head. Mabel stared into space, and the judge asked her to take her seat.

The judge shook her head and ruled in my favor. I won my counter-suit for malicious prosecution, and Mabel still owes me $100.

That was many years ago, and I have long since forgiven Mabel. I hope she found help, and most of all, I hope she finally discovered that her labia are right there between her legs, where they’ve been all along.

If you think that's bad - or hilarious - you will not believe the following stories. But beware: IF YOU'RE SQUEAMISH, DO NOT EVEN PEEP.

(Of a woman who used her vagina as a handbag... Literally.)

(A picturesque modern parable about the importance of education.)

(So did I.)

And I thought that couple - husband and wife, both around 36 years old - who, years ago, came to a hospital because the wife had severe abdominal "cramps", only to discover that she was pregnant and due any minute (she gave birth a few hours later)... I thought they were bad.

P.S. I told you so.


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