A friendly acquaintance of mine (you know: more than an acquaintance, but less than a friend) emailed me a "tweet" from a famous astrologer. The astrologer was chirping excitedly about May's promises. "You will LOVE May!" said the astrologer, adding that it would be one of the best months of this year.
As I said in an earlier post, I don't really believe in predictive astrology. None of us here do.
Before you hasten to email us that we have to read our ascendant (or rising) sign, too, in order to get an accurate forecast, let me tell you: that's what we've been doing for YEARS now. Reading our ascendant forecasts - only secondarily our sun sign predictions.
But that's a moot point, anyway. This May was "supposed" to be lovely for most signs.
Imagine my friendly acquaintance's nasty surprise when a few days into the merry month of May she was hit with a bill for 1500 + Euros for some debt she did not know she had.
Another friend (different sign) was suddenly faced with a divorce. Just like that - like a bolt out of the blue, her husband asked her for a divorce.
My May days also have been troubled by unexpected setbacks.
I also doubt that Maria Shriver is loving this May. Or Arnold Schwarzenegger, for that matter.
Ot Seve Ballesteros' family.
Or that Gunther Sachs did. An "iconic" figure of the merry 1960s jet set and ex-husband of Brigitte Bardot, he committed suicide on May 6th.
I am mentioning Sachs because astrology was among his more abiding interests. He founded an institute for the study of astropsychology, to find out whether there was any truth in the assertion that sun signs influence character traits.
It turned out there was. At least that's what he claimed in his book The Astrology File: Scientific Proof of the Link Between Star Signs and Human Behavior
(For some critical observations on the method, see this article, from a good sceptically oriented site on astrology research.)
I believe him. For some obscure reason, there really seems to be a correlation between the position of planets and personality, especially when you take into account the ascendant and other planetary influences, not just the sun sign. I have noticed it many years ago. There are personality traits, predicted by my astrological chart, that are so specific that they cannot be ascribed to pure chance or coincidence.
But how is it possible? How could planets influence a person's behaviour and character?
The truth is, nobody knows. But - to some extent, at least - they do.
One of the most common misconceptions about astrology is that it's the actual, physical planets that influence us. It is not. What seems to be happening - this according to ancient astrologers - is that planets have a sphere of action, of influence, that is immeasurable with ordinary sensory equipment. Just like there is a "subtle heart" in addition to out physical heart, there are also "subtle planets", so to speak (this is my expression, so don't blame the astrologers of yore if you find it silly). And THAT is what is influencing our personalities here on Earth - not the physical, visible and measurable, plane of the planets.
For some reason, however, this does not seem to work for predictive astrology, i.e. astrological forecasting of future events and happenings.
For example, Jupiter in one's sign rarely, if ever, seems to bring the joy and happiness and success that many astrologers like to chirp about; nor is Saturn nearly as ominous as they say (but many people pay a lot of attention to unfortunate events, and since Saturn is always somewhere, in some house, they attribute whatever it is going on to that planet's influence).
No, predictive astrology does not seem to work.
No, predictive astrology does not seem to work.
Which is just as well. If you are really interested in the "co-creation" of your life, as the obnoxious but basically accurate expression goes, then forget about astrology. Either you decide what's going to happen - or you don't. You cannot use predictive astrology for "support" because there's always going to be some "negative aspect" lurking somewhere; and your mere awareness of it will, without a doubt, undermine the determination you absolutely need to materialise what you want.
(And if you're counting on some rare overwhelmingly "positive" aspect, it will likely make you feel an anxious urge to make it happen while the aspect lasts. But creation does not run on ordinary timetables.)
(And if you're counting on some rare overwhelmingly "positive" aspect, it will likely make you feel an anxious urge to make it happen while the aspect lasts. But creation does not run on ordinary timetables.)
Predictive astrology is at odds with a creator's mind and will. THAT is why all the Christian churches (as well as other major religions) are against astrology. Not because of some obscurantist desire to keep Prometheus shackled - it's the opposite: to give Prometheus the strength to shed his shackles. The lingo they use to explain this may be off-putting to some; but that's the essence of the negative stance on astrology and other predictive methods. Your freedom. Your unshackled WILL, coupled with the fire and light of a heart turned towards good.
When it comes to "co-creation", it's all or nothing.
No wonder so few succeed.
lol its happened again this year. Susan Miller said this May would be the best month of the year with May 11-13 being the luckiest days of the year. Well guess what, everyone i know including myself had a rotten time around those days! Ill be lucky if i dont have permanent damage from the fall i suffered on that super lucky day!
What bugs me is that she keeps predicting things like there going to happen but when they dont happen like she said they would, she pulls the "oh but i dont see your individual chart" trick. WTF why does she predict it for everyone then! And she just keeps doing it tiem and time again! Never learns.
Sorry for the rant :=)
I did a little quick survey here, and none of us, including myself, can attest to that weekend being as particularly "lucky". Un-lucky - yes, maybe.
I think people just want to believe, and that's why they don't question their astrologers of choice. Which makes everything appear as just one big (and not particularly entertaining) parlour game. Still, it must be lucrative, eh? People's hopes and fears definitely have a hefty price tag.
Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment. I hope luck finds you when those astrologers are least expecting it. :-)
Susan Miller scares me ):
The astrologer? Why does she scare you, reader?
Cos she is telling about this "monster full moon" in september. I have suffered alot in the past five years and I have alot going on that could go wrong if you know what I mean.
See, this is exactly what I was talking about in the post.
Either you believe YOU can steer your life, or you don't. In both cases you will be right.
I understand your pain and fear, believe me.
But it is up to you to decide whether you are going to invest the force of your will and imagination towards what you desire - or invest it in hoping for "good" astrological forecasts and fearing "bad" ones. Because that's what actually happens when people follow astrology seriously enough to affect their mood.
To help you decide, let me ask you this:
Has this astrologer ever make a good, maybe very good prediction?
If so, did those predictions come true?
If they didn't... why should bad ones come true?
Guess what, she's predicting another "monster moon" for March, the crazy bat.
I found this reaction to her fear-mongering (and on an astrology blog, too!):
"This is exactly why I haven't read Susan Miller in over 5 years. I don't have time for doomsday bullshit over a moon. "
LOL I was almost tempted to register just to post a BRAVO!
But I didn't. :)
Ha! She did something else again, too.
Apparently she forecast and tweeted - that February 6th would be FANTASTIC. (Don't take my word for it, I am only quoting someone else; I did see her tweets, but haven't read her monthly forecasts.)
My February 6th really was good. So much so that I started feeling like a lone tree among fallen comrades, with lightning striking furiously all around me, because everyone else's February 6th was - apparently - awful.
(And today, some information came that shed a different light on what I had thought had gone beautifully.)
So, I am starting to think she is on to something, but maybe doesn't know how to interpret it. I know a person who practically runs for cover whenever SM predicts a "golden" or "stellar" day or whatever it is that she calls er "special" days. :)
How was your February 6th?
It was weird to the extreme, and not in a good way.
Thanks for asking. :)
Susan Miller is now asking people NOT to report if nothing happens on "Monster Moon". She only wants disaster reports. Guess she's being scientific, huh? lol
Now she has the nerve to say to her followers "I worry that you think too much about the #MonsterMoon March 27, and may totally miss the joys, benefits of new moon coming March 11+2 wks"...
That's because she's been predicting doom and gloom, that's why! Who could enjoy the "new moon" knowing what's coming (according to her)?
I think I am starting to hate her. I am never reading her stupid column again.
Myossotis said:
I know a person who practically runs for cover whenever SM predicts a "golden" or "stellar" day or whatever it is that she calls er "special" days. :)"
Count me in! lol
All right, for those of you who insist on reading forecasts (I guess you're not that interested in being creators - fair enough), have a look at what Penny Thornton, Diana of Wales's former astrologer, is predicting for this week:
Or the Oxford astrologer:
No sign of a "monster moon" anywhere.
Who are you going to believe - if not yourselves, that is?
I hear you, Anonymous. :)
Thank you for stopping by and voicing your opinion!
While we're at it... do come back, anyone reading this, and report about the WONDERFUL things that have happened to you this week!
I suppose I shouldn't be too hasty, but let me report the following:
March 25th was mind-boggling, in a very fun and funny way.
The day after, yesterday, marked an important professional victory that I wasn't expecting. It came out of the blue.
Today... so far, so good.
One thing out of the ordinary: I have been unable to sleep in more than two nights (and a day) in a row, and still I am not tired, either mentally or physically, so it is quite possible I won't be able to sleep tonight yet again.
Yet I feel great and I can work just fine.
I am having incredible insights into my own inner workings.
P.S. The latter part of my "report", the sleeplessness, I definitely associate with the moon - but that's because it's a FULL MOON - not because it's some "monster" moon.
Look what SM is doing now...
Read and weep tears of laughter:
"After Sept 29, 2012 #MonsterMoon some readers who should have felt it, didn't but learned they did 1 month to day later, Oct 29, +or- 4 days"
So, basically, what she's saying is, "This full moon IS a monster because I decided so, and if you're insensitive enough not to look really carefully for disasters in your life and report them to me - so I can appear to be so much better than all the other astrologers who did not predict a monster moon - you just MIGHT get a serious annoyance or two next month! Give or take a few days."
OR maybe, just maybe, Suz, any disasters that may have happened to people these days were disasters that would have happened anyhow, they just happened to happen around the time of a full moon - and we get 12 of those a year!
Or it may even be the consequence of a full moon, but that's because full moons in general make people act hyper and so on, not because some "angry" planet (Lord, give me patience!) is "opposing" the little rock that happens to be fully illuminated once a month.
Nothing bad happened, something quite good did happen, unexpected too.
Now she is already scaring people with an eclipse at the end of the month.
Makes me wanna puke.
SM is twitting about April 5-7 being "the sweetest of the month".
Run for your life!
BTW babe, Ebert died.
(Yep Suz, another Gemini bites the dust in this so-good-to-be-Gemini-Jupiter-tastic year! Explain that in your "extra! extra! read all about it!" tw**ts)
I thought you'd be writing about him having been such a fan.
"Now she is already scaring people with an eclipse at the end of the month.
Makes me wanna puke."
You and me both.
Here's her latest twt:
"Get your April report! Extra! Extra! Eclipse season starts w one in Scorpio on April 25! Read all about it!"
She also said this which I thought was interesting:
"I tell my staff, "Everyday I get hit by a bus but I don't know which bus it will be, or what direction it will come to hit me.""
And this is the guru you want to take advice from, peeps?
Hello, Lynx.
I thought I would write about Ebert, too, as soon as I learned about his death.
But I cannot. Not yet.
(I did write about him, and about my feelings about him, in the post called "Why I Heart Roger Ebert and Shirley Valentine", maybe two or three years ago.)
That Susan Miller quote about the bus really is somewhat shocking.
If that's how she perceives (her) life, I am sure that point of view colours her astrological interpretations too.
I wrote what I think about astrology - about how utterly disempowering it is - in the post itself. That was the whole point of the post.
If people prefer to wait for the "stars" to give them the green light, fair enough. It's their life. For whatever reasons, some people prefer not to create.
Only, by heeding astrological forecasts I think many of them may, like their pet astrologers,
end up feeling like they're being hit by buses all the time, too.
"SM is twitting about April 5-7 being "the sweetest of the month".
Run for your life!"
Well, Lynx, it seems you were right.
I cut myself quite badly yesterday - something that happens very rarely, I don't even remember when was the last time I cut my finger - and today I am having certain domestic annoyances.
In Italy, yesterday a couple of pensioners hanged themselves because they were deeply in debt and had no money to live on (500 Euros between them), and then, upon learning the tragic news, the woman's elderly brother killed himself too.
If these are the "sweetest days of the month", God help us.
Thankfully, Susan and her colleagues are wrong ALL THE TIME.
Yep nothing "sweet" here either. But I wasnt expecting it anyway. Nothing bad on march 27. YAY lol
Thankyou thankyou thankyou, all my life Ive been scared stiff of astrology and more so since finding SM. Now I know its all bunk and she is never right. Things happen, bad things happen good things happen, but its not because of the stars. I am going to try harder to be a creator and if I dont succeed at least I wont be worse off than by reading astro reports!
Thank you for your report, Anonymous. Yay indeed! :)) I totally echo your sentiment.
And thank you, L., for your comment.
If this post has touched even just ONE person, I am more than happy.
I can guarantee you, you WILL be better off by trying to steer your life without paying attention to the various "aspects".
(As I said, there will ALWAYS be some menacing aspect lurking somewhere. No wonder so many of the people that I know follow astrology are so deeply dependent on external influences.)
The best of luck!
Good God, Suze never ends!
THIS is her latest tweet:
"The eclipse is starting to hit. My dear assistant, Cap/ Sag rising got very bad news about his father's health, left in tears. Feel helpless"
The eclipse?!
There's always something with her!
This woman is ready to be committed. And I don't mean to her lunatic fans.
How can ppl fall for such a hysterical fearmonger even after seeing, again and again, that shit never happens when she predicts it, but happens many times when she predicts golden days or some such?
Thank you so much for this wonderful clarification. So many have lived their lives according to predictive astrology which "always" has something dangerous lurking in the background, thus dictating our thoughts,emotions and vibration. Also our natal charts are only a snapshot of what was occurring at that very moment when we were born and does not predict how our lives will go. We do by aligning ourselves with what we do want to see happen in our lives. To consult with any form of divination is to cut yourself off from source.
Dear Joy,
thank YOU so much for your kind comment.
I find that people often heed comments more than the articles or posts themselves - and yours is indeed very clear on the subject. I hope many read it and think about it.
I hope your life does justice to your wonderful name, now and in the future. :-)
lol I love how many astrologers predicted the royal baby would be a girl and then it would be a Leo. Wrong on both counts!!!
Thank you for stopping by, Gaby.
Makes you think, doesn't it?
It was a 50 : 50 chance - and they didn't even get that right? :)
LOL Suze is in scare mood YET AGAIN! But then, when isn't she?
Only, this time there's a potty-mouth non-fan who's taken offence at her bullshit. I don't like foul language but I have to admit I chuckled when I saw his attack on her and the moronic "defence" from her fans.
Sorry I meant "scare MODE".
I'll take you word for it, Lynx. :)
I don't follow her work - not even for entertainment purposes - and I hope those who do aren't frightened by her predictions any more.
(I often think about one of the posters above who sounded so scared. I hope you are well, whoever and wherever you are, and that you know now that predictive astrology really IS bull's excrement, as Lynx would say... not in so many words. :))
And the best of luck.
Thank you, it was thanks to this comments here that I turned my back on Miller for good. IDK if you saw her latest scopes or tweets but she is scarring everyone out of their F minds!!! Truth be told I am not even interested in reading her excuses when they sky does NOT fall like she is predicting. she is just too depressing to even visit anymore.
Thing is everyone is praising her so much I was feeling like a loon or trying not to take her so f seriously. here I saw I was not alone. Thank you, God bless.
Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment.
I am very pleased and grateful if this page has been of some use to you.
I do honestly believe that by not reading your forecasts you are not missing out on anything particularly useful, but you may be avoiding unnecessary, even crippling, stress - so, well done!
Spread those wings, banish fear. :)
Good news: this July (and August) are supposed to be "the best months of 2014", according to SM.
Considering all that's happening in the world - and in my own life - this forecast is almost hilariously wrong. Or panic-inducing (if you really believe this is the BEST month of the year.)
Unless, of course, all the millions of suffering people around the world are all somehow ill-aspected, astrologically speaking. ;)
Conversely, April - which I only now discovered was supposed to be awful, thanks to a "horrendous", "monster" Moon - was just fine.
(Oh, it could hit me a month + up to four days later, as the usual SM's advice goes? No problem. May was even better.)
For all I know, there may very well be powerful "aspects" at play.
It's SM's INTERPRETATION of them that is (consistently) wrong, at least in the experience of many people.
Which is just as well.
Why? Read the main post.
Susan Miller said today, 7/24, would be the luckiest day of the year. For Libra (my rising) she said: "Watch for an extremely important social event to dot your calendar July 24, when a friend may go out of his way to help you. This is your golden, lucky day, and the best of all of 2014."
Wow, just wow. a freind actually let me down today, and as for social it's been a miserable day. I don't know how others are faring but she did say today would be extremely lucky for all signs, the best of the year.
I am sooooo over her bs.
Hello, Andy, and thank you for stopping by.
I am sorry to hear your day was miserable.
If it's of any consolation, mine wasn't too good either - certainly not stellar.
I must confess I went over to Twitter to see what SM is saying about it - or her followers.
Yet I am sure that, when there is another "monster" moon, they'll be beside themselves with panic yet again, having forgotten that her "good" predictions never materialised - why should the "bad" ones, then?
OK, here's what I don't get about Miller's fans...
Her forecasts are late (again), because apparently she's had a serious relapse in her health issues. So serious, in fact, that she can't even tweet anymore. This in a month that's been pure horror for many ppl around the world, including herself if she's really that ill - but she forecast july and august to be the best months of 2014, like you said.
So clearly her scopes were utterly and completely wrong. Yet ppl are still clamoring for more of the same! (I've just been to her FB page, there are thousands of "supportive" replies to the updates about her health.)
What's wrong with people? And don't tell me "she can't see individual charts" because what's the point of forecasts, then? Yeah we all have each our very individual chart. So, who are those scopes directed to?
It is true, her scopes are often the opposite of what really happens. I too read my ascendant scopes, or used to read it, but it doesn't make any difference, they are just inaccurate. As an example, she said 24 july would be fantastic and july as a whole would be just great - it wasnt, and it was a horrible horrible month; she said 18 augst would be great - it wasnt. She also predicted horrors that never happened - luckily!
I don't understand why people even read her anymore. Just look at her own life!! She is like on her death bed (or so she sayys), with many people angry with her.... so july and august werent that great for Susan Miller either? Or are the rest of the months in this year going to be that much worse (if these two were the "best of the year")?
I've seen people trying to ask her questions about this on her FB page but they just get deleted or not answered at all.
She must be extremely rich not to care, or just extreemly stupid, sorry.
"She must be extremely rich not to care, or just extreemly stupid, sorry."
It's not mutually exclusive, you know. :-)
Her site and her FB page are in meltdown right now. :)
But guess what, the number of her Twitter followers is increasing by the minute.
I don't have a FB account, so I am not sure I'm seeing the same as you, anonymous, but I followed a link from her Twitter account - and boy, that IS high drama!
For what it's worth, i don't think she is "faking" anything for the purpose of luring people into buying anything - I think she's just messed up her deadlines (again), and is simply too ashamed to say anything at this point.
I will say that her PR is just terrible.
Then again, the whole purpose of this post (not the comments - the post) is to encourage people to take control of what they want to see in their lives. It most definitely IS possible; furthermore, it works astonshingly well. THAT may be a problem for those who do not really know what they want in life - and there are many of those. It's not necessarily a bad thing, either. Life CAN surprise us far beyond our best expectations.
Unfortunately, many people - perhaps most - are also full of fear, which then takes over and guides them subconsciously through their lives.
Try to cultivate a joyful awareness of your role in your own life, people. Re-read the post above, if you must. (And you probably must. :))
If not... at least try to find an astrologer that won't scare you every full moon. :)
I wonder, is Cornelia Jones, of Horoscopes Within, still around?
She was the only astrologer that ever impressed me.
Unfortunately, she stopped doing her own forecasts quite a while ago, and although it was going to be a temporary thing, it lasted far too long and I just lost interest.
But when she WAS doing her forecasts... they were impressive
Still, I'll take a hor(ror)scope-free life any time. :)
Hi there. Miller was talking about a "freindly" eclipse this March 20, but she never said why it was frinedly or what it would "do". It hasnt been good for me so far. But I foud Aslan's website, and here's what she says, which makes much more sense.
"You have a major eclipse in your seventh partnership house this March. Friday, March 20.
A solar eclipse and new Pisces moon in your house of marriage and partnerships on Friday, March 20.
Eclipse means change in terms of shining light onto something or showing you the darkness of it. You will suddenly see yourself, and your relationship, in a different light.
And new relationships in a new light as well."
Ths is for Virgo. Anyway at least she says something that makes a little sense. It sounds more realistic too.
If you ask me, Mmiller has sold out years ago anyway.
Thank you, Anonymous.
I do like Madalyn Aslan myself. Or rater, did like her while I was still occasionally checking out my forecasts. I found her (as well as Cornelia Jones) truly optimistic, in the sense that they didn't hide the potential unpleasantness of certain aspects - or exaggerate the positive potential of others - but never made it sound as a foregone conclusion. (Unlike Susan Miller. I remember she used to stress how her forecasts were never fatalistic - but in FACT, that's exactly what she made them sound, witness her ravings about "monster moons", to name just one example.)
Speaking of the eclipse... It fell exactly on the birthday of one of us here, and it doesn't seem to have been all that "friendly" so far. But the developments that transpired may have nothing to do with any eclipse, of course. ;)
BTW... I wonder how Susan Miller is explaining (away) the "friendliness" that hit those 100+ unfortunate passengers aboard that German airplane.
I bet all of them had "exceptional" charts that made this eclipse "unfriendly"? (And that's not mentioning all the other unfortunate goings-on in the world at this time.)
Reread the post above, readers, and always remember: YOU can steer - or: you CAN steer - your life, regardless of any stars high above.
Susan Miller on Saturday: "Gorgeous weekend!. Venus is playing tag w. surprise-a-minute Uranus--great for finding new love! Aries,Gemini,Leo,Libra,Sag Aquarius favored"
New York Times on Saturday: "Earthquake Devastates Nepal, Killing More Than 1,900"
I guess they weren't Aries, Gemini, Leo, Libra, Sagittarius or Aquarius.
Or maybe they did find new love.
May the rest in peace.
Lynx, that is appalling. I had to check that tweet to see when it was posted. The news were already all over the media at the time.
Just to make it clear: what I find appalling is not that her prediction apparently failed - who cares about that - but the fact that she just ignores what is going on in the world. As far as I can see, she didn't say a word about the earthquake. It's as if the outside world doesn't exist.
It DOESN'T exist! Not for her, living in her designer-bag-toting-ladies-who-do-lunch little world. She only mentioned the mass drowning of those refugees adter a week or so, and then twisted it into a March 20 eclipse-related thing, "confirming" her pitiful predictions (which were actually somewhere along the "fabuolous" and "friendly" lines).
I see one or two people calling her out re: the earthquake, but she just ignores them. It's a fabulous day for some fabulous shopping, after all!
Susan Miller disgusts me. I have never seen a worst august in my entire life, everything going haywire for my friends and myself, from work to health, even deaths, and all she cares about is her crappy "show" and her celebrity clients. How can so many people from different signs/rising signs have such a stressful period, yet she insists it's 2the best month of the year"???!
Dear Anonymous,
I am sorry to hear that.
Alas, it is true, you're not alone in your misery this August.
I pity all those (Virgos?) who are anticipating the glory of heaven to descend upon them because of "Jupiter in Virgo". (Even from a strictly astrological point of view this is nonsense. But then, look at what Miller wrote in one of her latest tweets:
"I always go for not depth on the eclipses on the show + in my columns.@ mamabearsaba" :)))
She always goes for "not depth"... Whatever that means.
I hope everything turns for the better soon - for you, for all those who need help, for all of us.
Are you all having a fabulous February? If not, it's you fault, just so you know. Just ask Suze Miller. Here's what she replied to a couple of people complaining that February 3 was horrible (I gather she predicted it would be "stellar" or something like that?).
"You have a glitchy aspect in yr chart. February is super-great."
Read and weep.
What gets is me why none of her twit-followers have the balls or the brains to ask her: "What's the POINT of dishing out cookie-cutter forecasts, then?"
So true. I dont know what is happening but every time she says its gonna be the best day ever I prepare myself for the worst. The worst day of my life happened on one day I distinctly remember she said "put a gold star on it". Like someone said above, I think she is onto something but just cant interpeert the aspects or something. She really really sucks at that.
I pity all those (Virgos?) who are anticipating the glory of heaven to descend upon them because of "Jupiter in Virgo".
Virgo here. Horrible horrible "Jupiter" year so far. I feel so stupid for having been so hopeful. I stopped folowwing her.
I wrote the last comment. The first part was meant to be a quote from another comment.
Don't feel stupid, Anonymous. It is not stupid to hope and wish.
I am very glad, however, that you have stopped following her. I hope you stop reading horoscopes, period.
If you need to, reread this post every day.
Eventually it will sink in. ;)
Good luck to all.
Susan Miller really lives in a world of her own. I've seen people asking her about Brexit, no comment from her, no comment about the shootings in the US on what was supposed to be a mega-super-duper day, no comment about anything except her website and urging people when to go buy fashionalbe items. Most of her followers cant even afford houseing, if you read her FB many are jobless. She is shameless.
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