There is a new country on the map of old Europe: Kosovo.
(Its inhabitants are called Kosovars. And the prevalent language is Albanian; a minority speaks Serbian)
It proclaimed its independence yesterday.
But the road that ended - and the new one that has just begun - on February 17, 2008, actually started on March 27, 1999.
Well, the last leg did.
The leg that brought the Kosovars from the dim awareness of the world to the political map of the same.
You think I am going to explain?
Think again.
Think on your own - that's where the fun lies. ;)
And remember: you heard it here first.
In fact, this may be the only place where you ever hear about it. (I am sorry to say.)
It wouldn't make the statement above any less true.
It would only show, once more, that even the media interpreters - vulgo journalists - are by and large incapable of interpreting the images they produce themselves for what they really are.
Thankfully, not everyone depends on the journos' wits to find a way through the maze of "current events" back to the heart of the matter...
(Which of the latter two words - heart or matter - would you italicise?)
Rereading this entry, I noticed that I had forgotten to end it on a trivial note.
I apologise; I will try to make sure it never happens again.
So, to make amends, here is the current... MISS KOSOVO
(Who knew?!)

If you read Swedish, go here to learn more about her.
(If not, just gawk for a while.)
And here is the image of another Albanian (although she was NOT born in Kosovo but in Macedonia) - a very, very famous one:

You don't know her?
Oh, but you DO.
Follow the link.
(Didn't I tell you? ;))
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