Monday 7 January 2008

The Shortest Drama Ever Told

You may have read the "post" below on a different blog. But we find it irresistible, so we just had to repost it here. (Consider it "syndication".)
And yes, we DO have the explicit permission of the author.

The Shortest Drama Ever Told

Have you ever noticed, when people discuss or are encouraged (think Oprah) to "pursue" their »wildest dreams«, that the latter mostly turn out to be a beautiful car, a vacation in Hawaii (or insert the location of you choice), perhaps »even« a new home...?

It's poignant, of course, that people have such low standards in matter of »dreams«.

So, what follows is the shortest nail-biter you'll ever read.



FAUST: I'd give anything to have my wildest dreams fulfilled!

A flash of dark light appears.

DEVIL: Anything?

FAUST: Anything.

DEVIL: I can fulfill your wildest dreams, and beyond. And I shall, if you give me your most prized possession.

FAUST: My Blackberry?!

DEVIL: I was thinking more in the line of your soul. But I see now that, in your case, the Blackberry would probably be a wiser choice...

OK, that was NOT the version I was talking about!
My evil twin wrote the exchange above.
Here is the original one:



FAUST: I'd give anything to have my wildest dreams fulfilled!

A flash of dark light appears.

DEVIL: Anything?

FAUST: Anything.

DEVIL: I can fulfill your wildest dreams, and beyond. And I shall, if you give me your most prized possession.

FAUST: You name it.

DEVIL: You know what it is - you name it.

FAUST: And what if you can't deliver?

DEVIL: Do you have any idea of who I am? The »impossible« does not exist, not in my realm.

FAUST: That's because your dreams aren't wild enough.

DEVIL: Alright. I'll hand you over my power. I'll hand you my very self.

FAUST: It's a deal.

DEVIL: What is it that you want?

FAUST: Make me God.

A flash of dark light reappears.
We never find out what happens next.


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