Sunday, 15 July 2012

The Dark Side of Love & Light

A sketch of a(nother) rant

There is a petition, Put bankers behind bars, against "corrupt bankers" open these days, started by Avaaz.

Apparently many people are really ticked off by bankers. I can't blame them - I am not a fan of them myself - but what's funny is that I found out about the extent of the anger against them on various, more or less popular "alternative" websites. As a matter of fact, I first learned about this petition on one of those sites.

This petition would have to be signed by at least one million people for it to be deemed "successful" (whether it would really achieve a concrete, measurable goal, remains to be seen).
In the five days since it's been started, however, less than half a million people worldwide have signed it. (I did, just so you know.)

Considering the constant bank-bashing and angry spewing that goes on on those "alternative" sites one would reasonably expect that many of their members would jump on the opportunity to nail the banks - or at least to make a very visible show of their sentiment towards them. Right?

The threads about the petition (with the subject matter stated clearly in the subject line) remained practically ignored for a day or two. Even the "view counts" were low, showing that even the non-member (or not logged-in) visitors weren't too interested in them.
After a day or two, a few replies cropped up, with some of them trying to diminish the importance of the petition, and some actually  discouraging people from signing it. On one of those sites, only ONE member, apart from the original poster, said s/he had actually signed the petition.

Does that make any sense?
If you know anything about those "alternative" communities - as I do now (much to my regret) - you will not be surprised at all.

You see, an inordinate amount of those "alternatively" thinking people who proclaim to be "awake"" (or so they think, when they think at all) seem to want everything to fall apart.
They are, in fact, waiting for their ET (as in extra-terrestrial) friends to come and rescue the Earth.
If we do anything to rescue ourselves and sort out our own mess, the ET may reconsider their coming and let us be. (Which would mean the world would have to go on as it did before, with people having to go to work to earn money.)

No, I am not joking. (I wish I were!)
But there is a very good - if cruel - joke in there: it is the irony that these "awake" people are the best friends and allies that those oh-so-maligned "banksters" and other reptilian perverts who apparently run this world could ever hope for. They are passive to the extreme; and they make everyone who thnks differently than the mainstream vox populi appear astonishingly naive or even stupid, to put it mildly, and cretinous - perhaps borderline insane - to put it more accurately.

On top of everything, very many seem to have an insane (no, really - literally insane) hatred for religious spirituality - anything that isn't their own New Age cult. (Or Buddhism, which makes said religion appear in a very bad light, through no fault of its own.) All of which plays directly into the hands of the "caesars" of this world.
Love & Light indeed...

I remember how overjoyed I was in the early 1990s to see the emergence (from my point of view) of "alternative" thought as a measurable force or movement. I had always been blessed with both a strong analytical mind and intuition that verged on the "paranormal". I grew up believing nothing was impossible. I lived accordingly, and indeed, nothing was impossible. But I saw  so much suffering and injustice in the world - and so much fatally misguided "rational" thought - which burdened me with worry and sorrow.

Furthermore, I lived in an environment that was openly hostile to religion and spirituality. None of the people around me, except my mother (truly exceptional in many more than one way), who attended mass every Sunday - and not just as a habit - seemed to ever even think of anything remotely spiritual. They were good, decent people (mostly). But there was no shred of evidence in their behaviour of any sort of transcendental light stirring in them. The world they lived in was the world they could see and touch and taste and hear with their (severely limited) physical senses only. And while the going was "good", that was all  they needed.

And then the internet came. Soon I found lots of web communities that seemed to speak the same language that was spoken in my secret garden. I noticed that many used to sign their messages with "love & light" (often adding "laughter") - all wonderful things! Even the name given to such communities - the New Age - sounded just right. That's what we needed, after all. A new age, a dawn of an Arcadia for all living beings to enjoy, in time.

The internet world was young and I, too, was an internet virgin. I believed they really meant it. In fact, I still believe they thought they really meant it. And great things were to come - soon.

Yet the world did not become a better place with the passage of time. If anything, it seemed to become ever more violent and mindless. The violence and mindlessness in the physical world we are seeing now is a culmination of a process that has been hatching for a long time.

And the lives of those people, as far as I could follow them, did not improve either.
How is that possible?
Does that mean that living according to those principles is all bunk?

Not at all. It is, in my view, still the only way to live. Truly live.
But you do have to live it - not just talk about it and read about it.
You have to grow and expand, and no words will do that for you. You have to do it yourself.

Which implicitly means you also need to confront the seeming opposition from the reason-governed world we live in since the advent of the Enlightenment. (To say the name is ironic us putting it politely... But it is vital to keep in mind that the "light" referred to in this context actually meant reason, hence it's also - and more accurately - called the Age of Reason.)

Furthermore, our own bodies and their entanglement with the physical world are a major driving force in anyone's life. It's only normal. You cannot overlook them, or you'll get nowhere.
You not only have to face and see things and acknowledge them; you also have to process them in such a way that they fit in organically with the great puzzle of this world.
Denying the realities of the physical world is not the way to go. Even the least analytical minds have to live with them, so they have to face them and process them in order truly to grow and expand and gain true force spiritually.

The lack of (independent) deep thought first became apparent to me in a forum discussion, long ago, when I saw that surprisingly many of these "enlightened" people were virulently opposed to Christianity.
It was a shock at first, because it seemed so out of place in the context of that particular discussion. After all, Christ was mentioned - and no one could accuse him of not living "love & light"!

But those people kept rattling on about the Vatican and the Crusades (?!) and priest abuse and what-not... They were reminded of the fact that Christ and his principles were under discussion - not his formal "representatives" (which, quite frankly, were never anything else than nice and kind in my own experience, but of course, I can see that others have different experiences).
Would you blame democracy for all the abuses perpetrated in its name?
Would you blame the philosophy that all men are equal under the sun for the terror and bloodshed committed in the name of this noble principle?
(Think La Terreur in France, to name just one among all too many examples.)
Or as a friend of mine would say: would you blame the water for the drowning of those who cannot swim in it?

But it made little difference.
Then, they - rather predictably - started talking about the supposed "pagan" roots of Christiniaty. That worried me. It worried me because it revealed - for the second time - a startling lack of insight and even education. It's not the dates or even the iconography of Christianity that matters: it's the teachings. And the teachings cannot be even compared to those of the pagan cultures they were referring to.

On another occasion, when someone was blasting (yet again) Christianity, specifically the Catholic church, someone introduced - very smartly - the idea that the  transsubstantiation essential to the Catholic mass is, in fact, the only public and widely accepted instance in this old world structure of ours that not only admits but directly refers to the spiritual alchemy that all "alternative" communities seem to swear by. 

(That this seems to be lost on most of those who attend mass, too, is more than unfortunate; and yes, that s directly the fault of the Church's misguided "guidance". It is true, however, that everyone is free to think things through on their own - and even should do so, or that faith is lame and myopic.)

It turned out that many didn't 
even know about transsubstantiation (and yet they felt they knew enough to discuss it?). But, predictably, it made little difference, anyway.

They were - literally - blinded by hatred and ignorance, those ancient room mates that hardly ever go anywhere one without the other.

This is just an example that I have seen repeated over and over.
I am sure those who are more familiar with other religions could say the same.
And let's not even mention their passive-aggressive - or, sometimes, aggressive-aggressive - attitude towards self-proclaimed atheists!
(With whom I have no problem whatsoever, as long as their stance is based on independent and sufficiently thorough personal thought - not tabloid tattle and peer pressure - and often it is.)

With the advent of 2012 things only intensified in the "alternative thought" arena.
Fear not, there will be no talk of "2012" here; I am sure you're familiar with the phenomenon yourself, perhaps moe than you'd like to be.
The heat is on; and heat being what it is, it brought out feelings and thoughts in all their intensity.
And now, for the past year or so, my opinion of the "alternative" community (or communities) has plumetted to depths I would never have thought possible in those happy early days, in the early 1990s.

Here's the reality as I have experienced it:
Tthe gross majority of the "alternative" scene seems to be composed of LOSERS.
What do I mean by losers? People who for one reason or another (bad parenting being the probable original cause) feel deprived in life. All too many seem to be severely undereducated - who else would be getting their "information" from sources such as Before It's News (don't even ask) and even, believe it or not, News of the World? - or they wouldn't be lapping up or perpetuating tall tales and urban legends that have been debunked years ago, while blatantly ignoring, or displaying hostility towards, those who try to make them see the truth in that matter.
(Their attitude could be best summed up as "Na-na-na, I can't hear you!" followed by sundry accusations about "negativity" and veiled allusions to one's "density"...)

Consequently, few of them seem to be satisfied with their employment status - if they are gainfully employed at all - which would explain why so many seem to spend inordinate amounts of time on their pet websites. 

(I took the time to check the postings of a few such posters, on different forums, and they seemed to be posting throughout their day and well into their night.)

And so they dream.
They dream of fabulous worlds where there is no money (not taking the time to think what kind of lifestyle that would entail) and nobody has to work.
They dream of galactic flotillas coming to their rescue (oh yes), and the fact that NONE of their prophets' announcements or predictions - which are becoming increasingly vague, date-wise - ever has come true does not deter them at all. 

It was this sort of audience that gave rise to "telepaths" (well, some sort of -paths for certain) a la John Kettler, a (minor) phenomenon too improbable to be believed only a few years ago: a person who now blatantly claims that all those wonderful humanity-liberating feats (featuring prominently mass arrests of bankers and such - not educating us, Earthlings, about free energy, for example) HAVE, in fact, happened... we just don't see them yet. The stridently jubilant tones of his announcements do not seem to raise any alarm about his mental health.

They are the ones who support the mess that is Greece's economy - and society, to be honest - against the evil bastards of the EU who have the gall of reprimanding the beggar who asks them for money while spitting on them (and still gets the money!) for his lacking work ethics. They blast the likes of Christine Lagarde for her blunt statements (that she has more sympathy for the starving children in Africa than for the Greeks), yet bow in advance to invisible galactic masters who offered them a ride in a spaceship, limo transfer included, and then stood them up. (But fret not, it's all good.)

And let's not even mention (because we already have, extensively :)) the outright hatred they have for most religions. They fail to see, of course, they are being wound up by the same mainstream media (MSM in their lingo) that they proclaim to hate so much, as only an uneducated person, with little aptitude for independent thought and spiritual finesse (not to mention psychology), would.

Come to think of it, hate seems to be a strikingly common emotion among such communities. Which is ironic, to put it kindly, considering  that "love" and "light" (with the occaisonal "laughter" thrown in) seem to be the main - nominal - currency in these patently humourless and often cult-like comunities.

No wonder they don't have much understanding for mottos like "love your neighbour as you would love yourself" or "forgive unconditionally". 

(Unless you put the same thing in long-winded sentences involving either the "ego" or Buddhism, or both - ah yes, then it's all right. :)). 

Talk is cheap, "walk" is not.
But only walking the talk will get you anywhere.

ADDENDUM (August 9th, 2012):
For a wonderfully illustrative example of the "love & light" hypocrisy and aggressive passivity (not a typo or mistake), fuelled by hatred, see this thread.